OrbiTouch - Alternative Keyboard for People with Autism

"I have watched Pete McAlindon grow and change over the last decade," said Sara Nerlove, now program director for NSF's Partnerships for Innovation program. "He has taken the concept that he developed as dissertation research, and using his skills as a human factors engineer, turned it into a very creative device to help people with disabilities. The result of his skill and persistence is the evolution of his technology into an ingenious adaptation, one that makes his goal of providing for persons with disabilities a sustainable effort."
McAlindon continues to work with his colleagues to find applications for his approach, most recently applying the system to video game controllers, allowing hundreds of thousands of online gamers to say goodbye to their keyboards using BlueOrb's Switchblade software. The gaming approach grew exponentially last year when it was paired to the launch of one of the largest online multiplayer games in the world.

Related Books: Orbitouch, Autism,


1. National Science Foundation (2009, September 1). Children With Autism Use Alternative Keyboard To Communicate With Their Families And Their World. ScienceDaily. Retrieved July 22, 2010, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090831080957.htm

2. OrbiTouch Official Site - http://www.orbitouch.com

3. Buy OrbiTouch products on Amazon: orbiTouch Keyless Keyboard and Mouse

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